politicians in Australia will do anything for votes

The Australian Labour party thinks it can win the election by building its on broadband network.

The Australian Labour party thinks it can win the election by building its on broadband network. Read the full story on whirlpool.net.au.

If that was not enough, Telstra has been sending out pamphlets to al its customers complaining about how the government will not let them build a broadband network. Get with the times, we’ve all had ADSL2 in Australia for ages, everyone that is apart from Telstra.

Chasing ghosts, a documentary about the 1980’s arcade scene

Just heard there is a new film coming which is all about gaming arcades in the late 70s and 80s…. You can find the Sundance film festival entry here and a web page from the guy who did some of the computer animated scenes here .I spent most of the late 70s and early 80s in arcades so I am really looking forward to this film.

Just heard there is a new film coming which is all about gaming arcades in the late 70s and 80s. It is called Chasing Ghosts. You can find the Sundance film festival entry here and a web page from the guy who did some of the computer animated scenes here .

I spent most of the late 70s and early 80s in arcades so I am really looking forward to this film.


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