Here we are during a Critical Mass ride cycling across the Sydney Harbour Bridge…. Once a year in November the northbound lanes of the Sydney Harbour Bridge are closed for about half an hour while the Critical Mass riders cycle through.Cycling over a car free Harbour Bridge has to be the best feeling in the world.

Here we are during a Critical Mass ride cycling across the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Notice the lack of cars. Once a year in November the northbound lanes of the Sydney Harbour Bridge are closed for about half an hour while the Critical Mass riders cycle through. Cycling over a car free Harbour Bridge has to be the best feeling in the world. My friend Wing can be seen just ahead in orange enjoying the experience.
This photo is from the Friday, November 26, 2004 Critical Mass ride in Sydney. The following Sunday the Cycle Sydney event also rode through a car free Harbour Bridge but this time it was southbound on the Cahil Expressway.
Information on Sydney Critical mass can be found here, while information on the Cycle Sydney ride can be found here
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